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Play Move Improve

Self-Regulation Strategies for Children who Struggle to Sit Still

Self-Regulation Strategies for Children who Struggle to Sit Still

🌟 1 hour Webinar Recording: 7 Self-Regulation Strategies for Children who Struggle to Sit Still 🌟

Is your child bursting with energy, finding it hard to sit still and focus?

Have you noticed your little one avoiding table top activities that involve handwriting, drawing, and/or puzzles?

I understand the challenges parents, teachers and educators face in helping restless kids stay focused during play and learning activities. That's why I would like to invite you to an engaging and informative webinar that can support you with your current self-regulation challenges.


🌈 Discover 7 Proven Self-Regulation Movement Strategies for Children 🌈

In this one-hour webinar recording, you'll learn effective techniques to empower children to manage their impulses, improve attention, and enhance self-control, all through movement.


These strategies are designed to make learning fun and engaging, both at home and in the classroom.


🤸‍♀️ Here's What We'll Cover: 🤸‍♂️

  1. 🧘‍♀️ Brain Breaks

  2. ⚖️ Mindfulness activities

  3. 🏀 Gross Motor Fundamentals

  4. 🌈 Reflexes

  5. 💃 Rhythm and Timing 

  6. 🌀 Fidget Tools (non-disruptive)

  7. 🏃 Sensory Play

I'll share practical insights, tips, and real-life examples that you can start implementing these 7 strategies immediately.


🎉 Why Attend? 🎉

  • Gain valuable tools to support your child's self-regulation journey, or discover self-regulation strategies for your class
  • Connect with a community of parents and educators facing similar challenges.
  • Get your questions answered with time at the end of the webinar for Q&A


Don't miss this opportunity to help children thrive with their development.

Regular price $39.00
Regular price Sale price $39.00
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