Early learning child development blog

The Regulation Crisis in Today's Classrooms: A ...
Today's teachers are facing an unprecedented challenge. Walk into any primary classroom and you'll notice a striking trend: more children fidgeting at their desks, struggling with transitions, and showing signs...
The Regulation Crisis in Today's Classrooms: A ...
Today's teachers are facing an unprecedented challenge. Walk into any primary classroom and you'll notice a striking trend: more children fidgeting at their desks, struggling with transitions, and showing signs...

Simple Movement Screening Tools for Your Classroom
As educators, we're often the first to notice when children are struggling with learning or attention. But what many don't realize is that simple movement observations can reveal crucial information...
Simple Movement Screening Tools for Your Classroom
As educators, we're often the first to notice when children are struggling with learning or attention. But what many don't realize is that simple movement observations can reveal crucial information...

Creating a Proprioception-Friendly Classroom
Strategies for Early Childhood Educators and Teachers to Reduce Children Climbing Furniture and Pushing Others As a Developmental Educator I've had the opportunity to coach educators worldwide. Time and again,...
Creating a Proprioception-Friendly Classroom
Strategies for Early Childhood Educators and Teachers to Reduce Children Climbing Furniture and Pushing Others As a Developmental Educator I've had the opportunity to coach educators worldwide. Time and again,...

Swinging into Success: A Journey of Vestibular ...
I'll never forget the day I realised my son was struggling on the playground. Most kids were laughing and pumping their legs while relaxing on the swing, but my little...
Swinging into Success: A Journey of Vestibular ...
I'll never forget the day I realised my son was struggling on the playground. Most kids were laughing and pumping their legs while relaxing on the swing, but my little...

Jump, Spin, and Learn: The New Science of Movem...
As a parent, you never expect your child to struggle with something as fundamental as balance. But that's exactly what happened with my son. He was diagnosed with vertigo at...
Jump, Spin, and Learn: The New Science of Movem...
As a parent, you never expect your child to struggle with something as fundamental as balance. But that's exactly what happened with my son. He was diagnosed with vertigo at...

The Importance of Foundational Motor Skills in ...
In recent years, Australian educators have observed a concerning trend: children are entering school with increasingly underdeveloped motor skills. This issue has significant implications for their overall development and academic...
The Importance of Foundational Motor Skills in ...
In recent years, Australian educators have observed a concerning trend: children are entering school with increasingly underdeveloped motor skills. This issue has significant implications for their overall development and academic...