Early learning child development blog

What are the preschool motor development milestones?

What are the preschool motor development milest...

Motor skill development is a fascinating journey to observe in children and adults, marked by significant milestones and achievements all the way from birth, through to learning a new skill...

What are the preschool motor development milest...

Motor skill development is a fascinating journey to observe in children and adults, marked by significant milestones and achievements all the way from birth, through to learning a new skill...

Building Blocks for Kindergarten Success: Early Motor Development and Focus

Building Blocks for Kindergarten Success: Early...

As a pediatric Exercise Physiologist, I've been privileged to witness the incredible journey of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and primary school aged children as they grow and develop.   In this...

Building Blocks for Kindergarten Success: Early...

As a pediatric Exercise Physiologist, I've been privileged to witness the incredible journey of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and primary school aged children as they grow and develop.   In this...

How to improve independence skills for preschoolers

How to improve independence skills for preschoo...

Download free independence handout by clicking the image below.   As a busy mum of 3, I understand your concerns about promoting independence skills for your preschool child. I know...

How to improve independence skills for preschoo...

Download free independence handout by clicking the image below.   As a busy mum of 3, I understand your concerns about promoting independence skills for your preschool child. I know...

Why is it important for children to learn the speed and force of their movement for self-regulation

Why is it important for children to learn the s...

Learning about the speed and force of their movement is important for children because it helps them develop self-regulation skills. Being able to control the speed (slow, fast) and force...


Why is it important for children to learn the s...

Learning about the speed and force of their movement is important for children because it helps them develop self-regulation skills. Being able to control the speed (slow, fast) and force...

Screen time and children's brain development

Screen time and children's brain development

Interoception: The Missing Piece in Our Screen-Time Puzzle I know how it feels to just want a quiet house for 5 minutes. I know how it feels to just want...

Screen time and children's brain development

Interoception: The Missing Piece in Our Screen-Time Puzzle I know how it feels to just want a quiet house for 5 minutes. I know how it feels to just want...

How to increase movement for kids at school

How to increase movement for kids at school

  Some children have spent over an hour staring at a device or screen before going to school each day.   That's an hour where their brain and body hasn't...

How to increase movement for kids at school

  Some children have spent over an hour staring at a device or screen before going to school each day.   That's an hour where their brain and body hasn't...